Archival and Records Management Degrees

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The Archives and Records Management discipline has changed drastically over the years, and it is a practice that has been around since before the creation of books or paper documents. A degree, or degree certificate in archives and records management will give graduates the instruction to move with the swift changes in technology and high pace growth in information. For future generations to find and understand our history and culture, we need new professionals willing to preserve all of the important cultural, historical, and informational materials. 

Without the ability to find records, whether historical or contemporary, upcoming generations will struggle with challenges we’ve already solved rather than hold the knowledge we’ve gained through trial and error. Additionally, the mistakes of the past are likely to resurface without the ability to pass on records and historical information. Archivists also save and remind us of the beauty of art and culture in every time and place. They not only share invaluable information but stories worth passing on from generation to generation. An Archives and Records Management degree is one of the best ways to become one of these great professionals. 

In this article, we will go through the best universities that offer programs in Archives and Records Management. This list contains certificate options, master degrees, and specializations in Archives and Records Mangagement. For each program, we look at the highlights of what to expect in the program and how to apply. Additionally, we mention whether or not the program is offered online and the length of the program.

Archives and Records Management Certificate from Wright State University

This certificate may be added to a related and qualifying graduate program from Wright State University. Students must take 15 credit hours in coursework and complete a capstone and an internship. The courses include Introduction to Archives and Records Management, Introduction to Public History, Archival Preservation, Advanced Problems in Archival Work, and Records and Information Management. The internship is one of the best opportunities this college provides. Students have worked at prestigious institutions for their internships. Some of those institutions are the Library of Congress, the Air Force Institute of Technology, the Columbus Museum of Art, the Penn Museum of Anthropology and Archeology, Florida State Parks, and the National Afro-American Museum and Cultural Center.

How to apply

To apply, you must submit an online application, paper applications will not be accepted. Additionally, you must submit transcripts and pay the online application fee. For further information about the programs and admission requirements, contact the Graduate School by emailing them at    

The Master of Archives and Records Administration from San Jose State University

This program is completely online and is 42 credit hours. It is offered by the iSchool at San Jose State University and they are accredited by the American Library Association. Students can also earn their master’s in library and information science from the iSchool. Both programs use state-of-the-art technology. The degree in archives and records administration has a diverse use of technology for archival purposes. Namely, because digital archives are an important and resourceful way for students and professional archivists to preserve information. Additionally, this degree will provide a year’s membership for ASIS&T, NAGARA, or SAA and all of the professional opportunities and experiences that come with a membership, for each student.

How to apply

To qualify for the program students need an undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited university or college and a 3.0 GPA during the last 60 semester hours or 90 quarter credits from their undergraduate degree. Then, follow the online application procedures and pay the application fee. You will need to send in transcripts but wait to send them before you apply. 

Concentration in Archives and Records Management from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

This concentration track is for graduate students earning the MSIS or MSLS degree. The concentration track involves at least seven courses relating to archival studies and records management and a capstone. Students can choose a research capstone or a practicum project. MSIS students also need an additional technology course in digital preservation. Both the MSLS degree and the MSIS degree is accredited by the American Library Association. Additionally, the programs are highly respected and are ranked #3 in Preservation and Archival Studies by US News.

How to apply 

To attend the university, students must have an undergraduate degree, and most accepted students have a 3.5 GPA or higher. Each applicant needs to submit an online application, an application fee, transcripts, a statement of purpose, a resume, and three letters of recommendation.  

Archives and Records Management Specialization from Indiana University at Bloomington

Students earning their MLS or MIS degree from Indiana University can specialize in Archives and Records Management. These programs are accredited by the American Library Association and are 36-credit hour degrees. Specifically, the specialization in Archives and Records Management prepares graduates to become archivists in an information-evolving environment with a focus on digital technology.  The coursework will provide students with the skills and knowledge to work with rare books, manuscripts, and archives, and how to digitize important documents. Additionally, students often work at world-renown institutions and libraries while attending classes. Some students have attained internships at the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution. 

How to Apply

The minimum admission requirements for the graduate school of Indiana University at Bloomington is to have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and a 3.0 GPA. However, most accepted applicants have a 3.5 or higher GPA. To apply, fill out the online application and pay the application fee. Contact the School of Information for additional documentation requirements. 

Concentration in Archives and Records Management from North Carolina Central University

As part of their Master of Library Science degree, North Carolina Central University offers a Concentration in Archives and Records Management. The program is accredited by the American Library Association and is made of 36 credit-hour degree program. The MLS program has six core classes in information, librarianship, organization, and research methods. Those on the Archives and Records Management Concentration route will choose four courses in archival practices and records management skills. Additionally, students can choose two more electives to complete their required 36-credit hours. 

How to apply

To qualify for the program, applicants need to maintain at least a 2.75 GPA from their undergraduate degree. To apply, applicants need to submit an application online and pay an application fee. Official transcripts need to be sent to the university from all colleges and universities attended. Additionally, applicants must send in two letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and an updated resume. GRE test scores are not considered. 

Certificate of Advanced Study in Archives and Records Management from Long Island University

This is an 18-credit hour certification that may be combined with LIU’s Master of Science in Library and Information Science degree or may be added to the end of any other postgraduate degree. The American Library Association accredits the MSLIS degree and prepares students for working in a library setting. The courses for this certification are offered online and on campus. Additionally, the certification test is included and is administered by the Academy of Certified Archivists and the Institute of Certified Management. The courses include introductory classes in records management and archives, and courses including film and media collections, preservation, map collections, digital preservation, appraisal of archives and manuscripts, and audio preservation. 

How to apply

Contact the graduate program for admission requirements and required documentation. Then apply online and follow the website instructions. 

Archives and Records Management Pathway from the University of Tennesse

As part of the Master of Science in Information Science degree, the Archives and Records Management Pathway is offered online and is accredited by the American Library Association. All MSIS students must take the required classes for the degree and those on the archives pathway will also take courses in metadata, digital curation, and archives and records management. Additionally, students will choose from other recommended courses relating to the pathway and complete a practicum and work within the archive profession during the program. Students have worked within thriving institutions including Knox County Government Archives at the East Tennessee History Center and the Tennesse State Library and Archives. 

How to apply

The minimum qualifications for applicants are that they have an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university, and at least a 3.25 GPA. Applicants must submit an online application and pay the fee to apply. Additionally, applicants must send in a written goal statement for their professional goals, a resume, and letters of recommendation. No GRE is required. 

Certificates in Archives and Records Management from Clayton State University

Clayton State University offers three graduate-level programs in the Archives and Records Management field. They offer a Certificate in Archives, a Certificate in Records Management, and a Master of Archival Studies. The MAS program is offered online and prepares students for a fast-growing world of information and technology. It teaches the skills to work with current archival technology and to adapt to new and changing technologies. The Certificate in Archives is for postgraduates and teaches basic archival skills, principles, and practices. The Certificate in Records Management is a postgraduate program that teaches the basic principles and legal standards of records management and information governance. Additionally, they offer a Minor in Archives and Information Studies which provides students with a basic understanding of records management, information, and archives. Undergraduates will qualify for entry-level jobs in archiving and information management. 

How to Apply

Contact the admissions office to see if you qualify. Then apply online, pay the application fee, and send in the necessary documents. The MAS degree requires an essay and three letters of recommendation in addition to the graduate program’s required documents. Visit their website for essay details and other information. 

Archives and Records Management (ARM) Concentration from the University of Toronto

This program is the only program outside of the US on this list, but it is accredited by the American Library Association which is an association recognized in Canada and other countries. The ARM Concentration is part of the Master of Information degree which typically takes full-time students two years to complete. However, students can take the courses part-time, and take up to six years to complete. Students will take core classes in information management, technology, and organization as well as courses in archives and records management. Additionally, students have a great opportunity through this program with their Co-Op opportunities and the thesis option. The Co-Op is a paid full-time work opportunity to work with other colleagues and professors so that students have work experience in the field before completing the program. 

How to apply

To qualify, applicants need a minimum of a mid-B average and a bachelor’s degree, or equivalent. Follow the online application directions and send in the required documents. You will also need to pay an application fee. 

Archives and Records Management (ARM) Specialization from Chigaco State University

This specialization is an option that is part of the MS in Library and Information Science degree. The degree program is accredited by the American Library Association and is offered online. All MSLIS students must complete 15 credit hours of core classes including Foundations of the Information Professions, Organization of Information, Introduction to Reference Services, Information Technology for Library and Information Agencies, and Research Methods in Library and Information Science.  For the ARM Specialization, students will complete a practicum that provides professional experience within the archive environment. Additionally, ARM students will complete courses in Archives and Records Administration, Description and Arrangement in Archives, Biblio Forescics, Electronic Records Management, Curation and Historical Collections, History of Libraries, Museums, and Archives, and more. 

How to apply

To apply, create an online account and fill out an online application. You will also need to pay an application fee and send in transcripts. Additionally, for the MS in Library and Information Science program, you will need to write a personal essay and send in an updated resume. Contact the graduate admissions department for more information and qualifications. 

Additional links

To learn more about American and international archives and archivists, visit the following websites of archivist associations and programs:

For scholarships related to archivists studies, check out these scholarship applications and web pages:
